2011년 5월 15일 일요일

Save the beach Hotel

This hotel is made of garbages.
It is first garbage Hotel which is abou 12tons.
Haschult who is Germen made this Hotel which garbages from the beach.

He want to say that 'Now, we live in the world with plenty garbages.
Still we making the garbages, human become garbage soon.
Thus, this Hotel showing what earth got bad situation.'

This Hotel builds in the Castel Sant' Angelo which is in the Rome.

Actually, this is Hotel.
Then, some people stay there one night.
Then, How they wash in there?
The bathroom also made by garbages.
How the sleep in there?
How they enduring smells?
It is really survival.
Also, bugs will harass you.

They decorated hat,socks,stockings, camera, etc.
The bedroom, toilet, the wall everything, the interior made by garbages.

2011년 5월 13일 금요일

Symothoa exigua

This animal called Symothoa exigua.
It looks really horrible, look like an alien.
This is the parasite which parasitize in mouth of fish.
It's size is about 3~4cm.
Symothoa exigua is crustacean.

They invade to fish's gill,
They settled in the mouth by their hook.
When they settled in the mouth.
They sucked blood of tongue.
Then, the tongue degraded, because the tongue lost the blood.
And, Symothoa exigua become a tongue of a fish.
It is really disgusting.

The fist never feeling pain ot hurt.
Moreover, Symothoa exigua delivered taste to fish.
Also, Fish can control it.
Fish never felt inconvenience.
Fish use it naturally.

When, It become adult. They leave from a fish.
And they growing really huge.

2011년 5월 2일 월요일

horrible cakes

Her's bridegroom is so pitiful.
Maybe her's gost marry with bridegroom.
It so horrible.
It seems like really cruel when I saw it from picture.
However, when I see real cake.
It does not look like pretty horrible.

That cake exist for who have toxication of smoke.
Who can't temperate smoke, he need to eat it.
Because, they threw a lot of smokes.
THEY have to know that how many pieces of smoke on the street.
Is it grass??
That is grass cake for who are vegetarian.
or, it exist for animal who are herbivorous.
 I guess it taste so bitter.

The brainous cake....
Only frankenstein ate that cake.
who ate that?????

Who made that kind of cake??
That fake blood seems real blood.
Cannibals have to eat it.
Actually, the nails really seems fake.
But, that blood cover it.

It spended a lot of time for made it.
That does not make me hungry.

The zombie cake..
I don't want to try it.

This cake for Incas/Aztecs who love the heart of human.

It does not look like reallize thing.
that cake is really fake.

The second zombie cake.
Gost cake??

If the first cake is dead of bride.
This is the cake of dead of bridegroom in the wedding.

The cockroach cake......
I don't want to talk about this cake.
This cake seems real cockroach.
the color, appearance,etc..

The joker cake.
This joker had make up with eye-line and wheat flour, lip-stick.
This cake is for gobi who had birthday.


The cake had a life.
That murderer must enter in jail.
The cake was dead.

The blood and eye cake..
I want to spew.

Head is gone..
but this is not pretty horror.

That is real hair.
That is better throw it on the trash than eat it.

eye cake with mice.

This is my first cake which is I want to try it.
There have delicious chocolate cake in that skull.

There have a lot of cake which is cruel.
Why people made that kind of cake??
They can try to make ordinary cake.
Even, ordinary cake, it can make beautiful cake.
However, they made horrible, cruel, and strange mentally things.
They made that kind of cake.

It can say that their imagination is so plentiful.
but, they have only cruel things in their mental.

2011년 4월 26일 화요일

Crazy Horse

This statue is in South Dakota Rushmore in USA.
This statue made by Kozarc siolkosvky who from the Poland.
He begin to sculpted that in 1948.
But, it still not done.

Crazy Horse sculpted only it's head during 60 years.
It takes really a lot of time.
The height of head is about 172m
If that complete, that is biggest statue in the world.
It's width is 195m
It is really huge.
Can you image it? only part of head takes about 60 years?

This is a complete model of Crazy Horse.
After, korzarc dead, his wife build it continuously.

This statue's model is Indian who fought with American government for return their area.
He is worrior of legend in Indian history.

Once upon a time, European invaded to America.
They steal their peaceful land, and they murdered uncountable Native American.
Seriously, American have to do something for Indian.
However, they did nothing for them.
Some people doing it.
But, as like Crazy Horse, foreign people work for Indian.
No American.
Actually, I'm not American.
but, in foreign person's view
American did nothing.

2011년 4월 24일 일요일

REGO art

Pinhole camera
It really possible take video.

The pinball machine
It made by 20000pieces of LEGOs

The harpsichord made by 100,000 pieces of Legos

The LEGO Nintendo NES in USA
It really work.

The Han Solo in Carbonite
It took about 3month for made it

The LEGO mathemathic machine
It can solve mathematic questions.

The Air contitioner Lego
This is really amazing
I hope to use it.

The Volvo Car made by Volvo and LEGO
It show on New York Auto show in 2004.

The Knitting Machine
It can make a cloth

The Ipod Lego
This is so cute.